Friday, November 27, 2015

Signs & Symptoms

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease:

1)  Memory loss-- the most common sign, people typically forget information such as appointments dates, birthdays, names, etc. These people start needing to rely more on making notes and post it's to help them remember important things. 

2)  Unusual challenges-- they experience an inability to effectively solve problems that they would normally be able to do easily. For example, when cooking a familiar meal they forget the recipe, even though they have made it a million times before. 

3)  Confusion with time or place-- people start to lose track of time and don't even know what day of the week it is but tend to remember later. Also, sometimes they randomly forget where they are or what they should be doing.

4)  Speech problems-- people are often at a loss for words and don't recall how to say what they want to say. It is hard for them to find the right word to say.

5)  Losing things-- they are prone to misplace or lose random things and it is hard for them to recall where they left it. The object could be something simple like a pencil they were just using or an important item like their wallet. 

A fun image to summarize some signs & symptoms:



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